高三网 > 留学 > 澳洲建筑学专业最好的大学


高老师 分享 时间:

1. 澳大利亚建筑学的魅力


2. 为什么选择澳大利亚学习建筑学?


3. 推荐的澳大利亚建筑学名校

3.1 墨尔本大学

专业名称:景观建筑学 Master of Landscape Architecture


- 学制:3年

- 学费:140,324澳元/年

- 开学时间:3月或7月

- 雅思:6.5(各单项不低于6)

- 托福:79(听力13、阅读13、写作21、口语18)

- PTE:58(各单项不低于50)


- Landscape Studio 1: Design Techniques

- Landscape Plants

- Shaping the Landscape

- Landscape Studio 2: Site and Design

- Performative Ecologies

- History of Landscape Architecture

- Landscape Studio 3: Speculations

- Contemporary Landscape Theory

- Landscape Studio 4: Strategies

- Landscape Detail Design

- Landscape Studio 5: Sustainable Urbanism

- Constructed Ecologies

- Landscape Architecture Design Thesis

- Landscape Practice

- Landscape Architecture Elective

3.2 悉尼大学


1. 城市化(城市设计)Master of Urbanism Urban Design

2. 建筑科学(可持续设计)(照明设计)Master of Architectural Science Sustainable Design Illumination Design

3. 城市化(城市与区域规划)Master of Urbanism Urban and Regional Planning


- 学制:2年

- 学费:82,000澳元/年

- 开学时间:3月或8月

- 雅思:7(各单项不低于6)

- 托福:96(听力17、阅读17、写作19、口语17)

- PTE:68(各单项不低于54)


- New Design in Old Settings

- Introduction to Urban Design

- Planning Principles, Systems and Practice

- History and Theory of Planning and Design

- Principles of Heritage Conservation

- Urban Morphology

- Urban Ecology, Design and Planning

- Integrated Urbanism Studio

- Urbanism Report

- Urban Design Studio A

- Dialogue, Deliberation and Engagement

- Future Cities

- GIS Based Planning Policy and Analysis

3.3 昆士兰大学


1. 城市与区域规划 Master of Urban and Regional Planning

2. 城市发展与设计硕士 Master of Urban Development and Design

3. 建筑学 Master of Architecture


- 学制:2年

- 学费:83,872澳元/年(城市与区域规划)/ 83,072澳元/年(其他专业)

- 开学时间:2月或7月

- 雅思:6.5(各单项不低于6)

- 托福:87(听力19、阅读19、写作21、口语19)

- PTE:64(各单项不低于60)


- Urban Design: Micro Urbanism

- Urban Design: International Masterclass

- Urban Design: Urban Futures

- Contemporary Urbanism Theory and Practice

- Urban Design: Responsive Environments

- Customer Experience Foundations

- Value Creation in Service

- Managing Organisational Behaviour

- Wise Leadership

- Leadership: Theory & Practice