高三网 > 高考 > 高考作文 > 关于早恋的利与弊英语作文


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Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time-consuming and tears students away from learning students' main task. If a student falls in love, he will certainly neglect his studies and cannot catch up with his class. Students, however, hold that forbidding love affairs among college students is not good. They take for example some of their friends who, falling in love, study harder and make greater progress in order to please their girl(or boy)friends. Some one else, on the contrary,who has not fallen in love,cannot concentrate on learning. In my opinion, as a coin has two sides, love can be positive and negative. If you do not give yourself away in love but take it as a drive, you will make more progress in your learning and achieve much. But if you forget everything else except love,then you will become a"perfect" lover and a definite loser in your studies.


Nowadays,lots of students fall in puppy love with each other.It is common that a student has its own girl friend or boy friend. They think it is proud. However, puppy love will bring a lot of disadvantages.It can lead to result in not being interested in study cause it can distract their atteantion from learning knowlege.It may have bad effect on not only the students who fall in love with each other but also their classmates.We should try to socialize with the opposite sex school mates formally.


Puppy love is a headache for teachers and parents. What is your opinion of it?

Jason:I think puppy love is a normal thing in the process(过程)of growing up.We need not worry too much about it. The popularity of puppy love shows the advancement(进步)and open-up of our country.

Sandy:In my opinion,adolescence(青春期)is a nice season in our life.So why not try a wonderful puppy love in this period? I don’t think it will affect our study if we can deal with it properly.

David:In the films, TV,books and music, love is so beautiful.I want to have a taste of it if I have a chance. It’s like an exciting adventure(冒险).

Rita:Puppy love is different from the adults’love. It’s pure(纯洁的)and innocent(天真的).If we deal with it well, it can make us study better.

Millie:I am an open-minded girl. Though I haven’t experienced puppy love myself,I understand and respect others’ puppy love.I don’t think teachers or parents have the right to blame(责备)teenagers for that.They should communicate with us on the basis of respect and understanding.

Neil:Puppy love is a waste of time.It will no doubt affect our study. We are too young to understand the true meaning of love.Why not wait till we are mature(成熟的)enough?


Puppy love is an informal term for feelings of love,particularly between young people during adolescence,so-called for its resemblance to the affection that may be felt towards a puppy dog.The term is often used in a derogatory fashion, describing emotions which are shallow and transient in comparison to other forms of love such as romantic love. Puppy love,also commonly known as a"crush",can also describe the love or lust of a child or adolescent for an adult.For example,a student being attracted to their teacher.In this case,the term relates an infatuation which is not reciprocated.The term may meet with resistance from some young people as patronising and belittling of genuine emotion.


Puppy Love

Nowadays,more and more students fall in love in middle schools that worries teachers andparents.As for me,I don’t agree to puppy love.No matter admit it or not,puppy love will certainly have negative influence on study,because it takesmuch time and energy.But the most important is that middle school students arenot mature enough to operate a relationship.The favorable impression to othersmay be the momentary impulse that will not last very long time.The middleschool students are so young and unthoughtful to take the responsibilities of love.What should they do is put their study in priority and wait with patience,becausetrue love is worth of waiting.


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