这里又有两种情况。一是平常有很多的考试,模拟题,里面肯定有很多句子要读,文章要做的。那这些文章里有很多的句子写的是非常地道的,我们要适时的把它拿出来去做下模仿练习。举个例子,比如下面这句话,You won’t find paper cutting difficult as long as you keep practicing it.这句话是北京2015年高考单选题的第28题,有心的同学可以去查一下。那么这个句子好不好呢?你能不能写出这样的句子来呢?如果不行,这就是你学习仿写的对象。基础差点的,可以进行一些简单的基本的替换。
第二个方法扩展句子。这个可以从平常的单词学习中做。平常的学生都喜欢写这样的句子 she is beautiful. I like to read books.等这样的简单句。这种句子写出来不会有什么效果的。你研究一下课本里的句子就会发现,课本的句子之所以好是因为它有很多的修饰成分,那么我们也可以仿照课本里那样,也给它加一些修饰,这样我们扩展以后就可以把这些原本不怎么样的句子变得非常不一样。比如 The girl is very beatiful. The girl in red is very beautiful. The girl in red standing in front of me is very beautiful. The girl in red with long black hair standing in front of me is very beautiful.
然后加入替换。The girl in red with long black hair standing in front of me is extremely attractive. 有同学说,老师,我不会替换这些词呀,extremely我不会,attractive我也想不起来写呀。你想不起来。我就想问你一句,你既然都知道这些常见的词不好,你又不会替换这些词,那你为什么不去有意识的记一些这类词的同义词,去刻意的做一些这样的替换呢?你这样子的学习不是没有脑子吗?知道问题不去解决? 这种只知道死记的学生很难学习好的。
最后,我们再把这句话再写好一点,The girl in red with long black hair standing in front of me is so attractive that I can hardly breathe when I see her for the first time.再把它给改回来,把这个从句给去掉,The girl in red with long black hair standing in front of me is so attractive that I can hardly breathe at the first sight of her.当然,写到这一步不是每个人都能做到的,需要不断的训练才可以。
再看上面的句子,You will find speaking English difficult if you can't keep practicing it.可以替换扩展成Students always find speaking English quite difficult since they can't obtain a good way to practice it.进一步,Students in senior high school may face quite a few problems in speaking English as they are too busy preparing their final examinations to practice it.再写下去,Students in senior high school may face quite a few problems in speaking English as they are too busy preparing their final examinations and thus pay litten attention to the importance of speaking.