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杨澜推荐的十本书 女生必读的十本书

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这本书文字直接而深入人心,看这本书,就像是一个泼辣的闺蜜,用最毒舌的语言提醒着你。 温暖固然重要,可警醒才更为可贵。爱你的人,从来不会教你去任性,只会教你可以任性的本事。这个世界不公平,但是合理。想过你要的生活,你就要比别人更用心、更专注、更努力、更勤奋,不要轻信、执拗、放肆、妄为。




















01.Little Women 《小妇人》

by Louisa May Alcott

Little Women is a beloved 19th century classic that is still read today and loved by all, especially women from all around the globe. The novel is about four sisters who grow up together, about family love, about sibling rivalries, about searching for your own identity, about love and relationships, poverty, wealth, priorities in life, and most importantly, focuses on female independence. Back in that time, a young woman could not compete with her male companions. This novel breaks that stereotype.


02.Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》

by Jane Austen

This book has been considered a personal favorite by many women. One of Jane Austen’s most famous works, Pride & Prejudice teaches two valuable lessons in life that every girl needs to learn: first impressions aren’t always right, and everyone needs second chance. It also teaches that when in love, pride must be humble, and prejudice must disear.


03.Matilda 《玛蒂尔达》

by Ronald Dahl

Matilda is a young girl who has been neglected by her family. She is smart, and very talented. It is later discovered that she possessed magical power. And this power is further encouraged by a kind teacher from her class. Afterwards, Matilda takes control of her life, and decides her own fate. This children’s novel is important for a woman because it teaches a woman that she has value beyond what others see in her.


04.To Kill A Mockingbird 《杀死一只知更鸟》

by Harper Lee

A beautiful classic, this novel deals with a 6 years old protagonist who stars as a feminist icon, and who refuses to accept society’s standards, instead pushes for both races and gender equality. The novel is set during the Great Depression, and even till date, the protagonist’s life lessons are licable for the modern day readers.


05.The Diary of a Young Girl 《安妮日记》

by Anne Frank

During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, thousands of Jews flew into hiding. Anne Frank was one of them. And what makes her extra special, and loved by millions of people around the world is because of a diary she wrote during her hiding. This famous diary tells us, especially the young women around the world, about the small details of a young girl growing up: typical girlhood consciousness, friendship with other girls, crushes on boys, how the historical significance has affected her life, her emotional roller-coaster, and her loneliness.


06.I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings 《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》

by Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou wrote this autobiography in 1969. This novel is an example of how a woman can stand strong despite societal and personal injustices. Fighting racism, sexism, and personal trauma, this book shows how easy it is to internalize these negative forces, and how powerful a woman can become by resisting.

Maya Angelou于1969年完成这部自传。尽管处于一个社会和个人都不公平的时代,一个女人为何还能如此坚强,这部小说就是一个例子。为种族主义、性别歧视和个人创伤而奋斗,这部作品告诉大家:只要敢于反抗,内化这些消极力量是多么容易,一个女人可以变得多么强大。

07.Ella Enchanted 《魔法灰姑娘》

by Gail Carson Levile

Ella is an intelligent, witty, and adventurous. She is like the modern day Cinderella with a twist. She has a prince charming who falls in love with her, and it is not him but Ella, who is capable of rescuing herself. This book shows a fiercely independent heroine who struggles against the curse of obedience and doesn’t need a knight in silver armor to rescue her.


08.Esperanza Rising 《埃斯佩朗莎成长记》

by Pam Munoz Ryan

This young adult novel is set during the Great Depression. The location is set in Mexico and California. Esperanza is a wealthy girl who struggles when her family falls into poverty.The story is a reflection on the starting point for girls beginning to learn about the life of immigrants, the overlaps of cultures, and the challenge of poverty.


09.Bossypants 《管家婆》

by Tina Fey

Who said women can’t be humorous? Well, comedian Tina Fey sure knows her way into the world to show that women can be funny. This comical autobiography also throws light on the valuable lessons about feminism and body image, something every woman should learn about.

谁说女性就不能幽默?好吧,喜剧演员 Tina Fey就非常确定如何去展现女性也可以有趣。这部搞笑的自传也传达了关于女权主义和身体印象的珍贵,其中有些道理值得每位女性学习。

10.Inkheart 《墨水心》

by Cornelia Funke

Meggie and her father have a special power: when they read aloud, the fantasy villains enter the real world. One night, when her father was reading a book aloud, the villain entered their living room, and left Meggie with no choice but to fight him, and save the day. Inkheart is a book about fantasy adventure, about fierce feminism, about imagination, and most importantly, about life.

Meggie和父亲拥有一种特殊能力:当他们大声朗读的时候,虚幻的坏人就会进入真实的世界。一天晚上,当她的父亲大声朗读的时候,坏人进入了他们的起居室,Meggie 别无选择,只能与他斗争,挽救局势。《墨水心》是一部关于奇幻冒险、激烈女权主义、想象力,更重要的是,关于人生的作品。
