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①no longer alive死的

例:a dead body.(死尸。)

②no longer current, relevant, or important过去的;不再有关的(或重要的)

例:pollution had become a dead issue.(污染已经成了过去的问题。)

③(of a place or time) characterized by a lack of activity or excitement(地方,时间)死气沉沉的,不活跃的

例:Brussels isn't dead after dark, if you know where to look.(布鲁塞尔在天黑之后并不是死气沉沉的,你要是找对地方就会发现这一点。)


①on the point of death垂死的,即将死亡的:

例:he visited his dying mother.(他见了即将辞世的母亲。)

②occurring at or connected with the time that someone dies临终时(发生)的:

例:he strained to catch her dying words.(他努力要听清她的临终遗言。)

③gradually ceasing to exist or function; in decline and about to disear濒临消亡的;快要消失的

例:the making of valves is a dying art.(制作阀门是一门快要消亡的技术。)



不过动词ing形式有表示“正在进行的”的意义 .

另外,for 后加n\v-ing形式.to do 后加sth.