“sympathy”的形容词形式为“sympathetic”,意思为“同情的、共鸣的、赞同的、和谐的”。例如:He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation.(他对我的境遇抱同情的态度。)。
例句:I have no sympathy for Jan, it's all her own fault. 我不同情简,那都是她自己的错。
Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby. 她支持反堕胎院外活动集团。
There was no personal sympathy between them. 他们个人之间全无相投之处。
We expressed our sympathy for her loss... 我们对她的损失表示同情。
I have some sympathy with this point of view... 我比较同意这个观点。
Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their colleagues... 几百名工人罢工以声援他们的同事。
Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience. 她的眼泪博得观众的无限同情。
She felt a fraud accepting their sympathy. 她接受他们的同情时感到自己是在骗人。
The seamen went on strike in sympathy with the dockers. 海员举行罢工,以表示对码头工人的支持。
例句:I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate. 我对凯特一点也不同情。
Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president. 俄罗斯报章大都支持总统。
I don't find her a very sympathetic person. 我觉得她并不十分招人喜欢。
She sounds a most sympathetic character. 她听起来是个很招人喜欢的人物。
It may be that he sees you only as a sympathetic friend. 也许他只是把你当作一个可以倾诉的朋友。