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When to Harvest Your Fruits and Vegetables

From peas and beans to cabbages and cauliflower to soft fruits, here’s how to tell when the harvest is ready! Here is everything you need to know when the harvest is ready and here’s how to tell when it’s the perfect time to harvest your crops!

Root Crops

?Beets and turnips: Ready when golf-ball-sized to tennis-ball-sized.

?Carrots: Ready as soon as they’re big enough for your needs. Leave main-crop varieties in the ground until you’re ready to use them, including over winter in milder areas.

Soft Fruits

?Blackcurrants: Ready a week after turning black.

?Blueberries: Ready two or three days after turning blue.

Peas and Beans

?Peas and fava beans: Ready when the peas feel well-developed in their pods. Shells need a few to double-check.

?Pole beans and bush beans: Ready when long and smooth, but before beans start to bulge(膨胀) inside.


?Early potatoes: Ready 10 to 12 weeks after planting, when the plants come into flower.

?Main-crop potatoes for storing: Ready 20 weeks after planting, once all the leaves have died back. Without timely harvest, they would be reaped (收获) nothing.

Fruiting Vegetables

?Cucumbers: Ready when there is no pronounced point at the tip and they grow appropriate, which depends on what you need. Can be picked small for snacking cucumbers, or larger for slicing(切片).

?Zucchini: Ready when they reach about 4 inches ( 10 centimeters) long.

?Summer squash: Ready as soon as they reach a desirable length.

Our popular Vegetable Garden Planner can help you map out your garden design, space crops, know when to plant crops in your exact location, and much more. Need crop-specific growing information? Glance at our Crops at a Glance Guide for advice on planting and caring for dozens of garden crops.

1. Which of the following can affect the harvest time for Root Crops and Fruiting Vegetables?

A. Planting areas. B. Personal needs. C. Weather situations. D. Fruit sizes.

2. What would bring about less Soft Fruits and Potatoes harvests?

A. Ignorance of harvest time. B. Lack of right preparation.

C. Mistake of knowing colors. D. Irresponsibility of planting.

3. Who is the Vegetable Garden Planner intended for?

A. Planners. B. Gardeners. C. Scientists. D. Farmers.


Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut, reportedly, has touched the hearts of millions with a letter to her two children that was made public after she set off into space for the second time earlier this month.

“You’re my strongest armor (盔甲) and softest spot. I didn’t allow you to see me off at the launch site because I was afraid that I would burst into tears, ”Liu wrote in the letter to her daughter, 8, and son, 6, just days before being launched into space for the second time on June 5 on the Shenzhou XIV mission.

Liu, 43, became China’s first female astronaut in 2012, when she spent 13 days in space during the Shenzhou IX mission. During the Shenzhou XIV mission, she will stay at the Tiangong space station for six months, working with two male colleagues to complete the construction of the station.

Many people said that Liu’s words allowed them to see that a national hero is also an ordinary mother, and they wished for her safe return.

“Liu fully expressed her love for her children in the letter. It brought tears to my eyes,” commented one netizen on Sina Weibo, China’s Twitter-like micro-blogging platform.

“I feel more confident and relaxed," Liu told the media ahead of the launch of the Shenzhou XIV mission.

“When I was about to return to the orbital module during the Shenzhou IX mission, I stopped and turned around to salute (致敬) the experimental space station module that I stayed in. At that moment, I told myself that I would come back to space in the near future. I didn’t expect the ‘near future’ to be a decade long,” Liu said.

In the letter, she encouraged her children not to be afraid of failure while pursuing their dreams. Liu added that she felt sorry that she could not be there for her son on his first day at primary school. “Although I cannot be with you, I won’t love you any less,” she wrote in the letter. “My babies, if you miss me, just look up into the starry sky. Every time you see the stars twinkle, it’s because I’ m saying ‘I love you’.”

4. What is the common reason for Liu’s and netizen’s tears?

A. Liu’s affection for her children. B. Liu’s indifferent expressions.

C. Liu’s separation from her family. D. Liu’s refusal to meet with her kids.

5. Which of the following best describes Liu taking over the Shenzhou XIV mission?

A. Considerate and excited. B. Talkative and expectant.

C. Ready and honest. D. Confident and equipped.

6. What is Liu’s purpose of writing this letter?

A. To encourage kids to try. B. To say goodbye to her children.

C. To catch public attention. D. To praise the spirit of space.

7. From which is the text probably taken?

A. A science magazine. B. A woman autobiography.

C. A Chinese textbook. D. A news coverage.


Earthquakes have rocked the planet for many years. Studying the quakes of the past could help scientists better understand modern earthquakes, but tools to do such work are exiguous.

Enter zircons. Researchers used this special means to home in on the temperatures within a fault (地壳断层) during earthquakes millions of years ago. The method offers insights into the strength of long-ago quakes, and can improve the understanding of how today’s earthquakes release energy, the researchers reported in the April Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

“The more we understand about the past, the more we can understand what might happen in the future,” said Emma Armstrong, a professor specializing in earthquakes at Utah State University in Logan. Armstrong and his colleagues focused on California’s Punchbowl Fault. That now-quiet portion of the larger San Andreas Fault was probably active between 1 million to 10 million years ago, Armstrong said.

Heat from friction (摩擦) is generated in a fault when it slips and touches off an earthquake. Previous analyses of preserved organic material suggested that temperatures within the Punchbowl Fault peaked between 465℃ and 1065℃. The researchers suspected that zircons in rocks from the fault could narrow that broad window. Zircons often contain the radioactive chemical elements uranium (U) and thorium ( Th), which decay (衰变) to helium (He) at a predictable rate. That helium (He) then builds up in the crystals. But when a zircon is heated past a temperature criticality value—the size of which depends on the zircon’s composition—the accumulated helium (He) escapes.

Measuring the amounts of the three elements in zircons from the fault suggests that the most in-tense earthquake generated temperatures lower than 800℃. That roughly halves the range previously reported. The finding provides useful clues to the amount of heat released by quakes, something difficult to measure for modern earthquakes because they often occur at great depths. Armstrong plans to continue studying zircons, in the hope of finding more ways to take advantage of them for details about ancient quakes.

8. What does the underlined word “exiguous” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Scarce. B. Difficult. C. Pricey. D. Extraordinary.

9. What are the researcher’s assumptions about the zircons in rocks?

A. They can lead to various earthquakes. B. They determine how much of their energy.

C. They can reduce the fault temperature range. D. They would decay over long periods.

10. What might Emma Armstrong study next?

A. Impact of changing earthquakes on zircons.

B. Origin and development of enter zircons.

C. Difference between modern and ancient quakes.

D. More ways to use zircons for ancient quake study.

11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Earthquakes Bring about Global W arming

B. Ancient Zircons Help to Unearth Earthquakes

C. An Innovative Means Makes a Hit in Studying

D. Zircons Changed Our Views of Earthquakes


Covid-19 vaccines (疫苗) began saving lives in clinical trials. But a new study, based in part on The Economist’s estimate of the pandemic’s true death toll (伤亡人数), attempts to model just how many lives have been spared since vaccines became widely available to the public.

The study— published on June 23rd in Lancet Infectious Diseases— found that in the first year of vaccines that were invented and introduced to the public , jabs (注射疫苗) saved the lives of people between 19.1 million and 20.4 million. Without vaccines, the study estimates, roughly three times as many people would have died from Covid-19 in 2021 alone. And 6.8 million — 7.7millon of the prevented deaths were in countries covered by COVAX ( Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access), an initiative created to ensure vaccines were sent to poorer countries. Still, a lack of vaccines in some parts of the world still led to avoidable deaths. Around 100 countries failed to reach the World Health Organization’s (WHO) goal of vaccinating 40% of their qualified populations by the end of 2021. The researchers estimate that this cost around 600,000 lives.

To arrive at these estimates, the researchers, Oliver J. Watson, Gregory Barnsley and their colleagues at Imperial College London, began with an existing transmission model used to track the spread of Covid-19 infections. They then combined this model with The Economist’s estimate of the pandemic’s true death toll to estimate how deadly the pandemic would have been without vaccines.

As for the study, every coin has two sides. It relies on assumptions about the share of estimated infections that led to death, for instance. Some small countries, which have limited reliable data, were not included in the analysis. That means the total number of actual avoided deaths will be even higher. On the other hand, the researchers did not attempt to model how people or governments might have changed their behavior to limit infections in the absence of vaccines. For all that, it is the most definitive answer yet to how many people owe their lives to the jabs.

12. Why are the vaccines significant according to Paragraph 2?

A. They can slow down the pain of the patients.

B. They can reduce the number of death toll.

C. They can promote the development of drugs.

D. They can realize the WHO’s achievement.

13. How do the researchers at Imperial College London draw the estimates?

A. By developing the transmission model.

B. By comparing data between model and study.

C. By combining with the previous study.

D. By tracking the spread of infections.

14. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The limitations of the study. B. The assumptions of the study.

C. The results of the study. D. The advantages of the study.

15. What’s the author’s opinion about the current situation of vaccines?

A. Uncertain. B. Pessimistic. C. Cautious. D. Confident.



There are over 7,000 languages in the world, each of which has its own features and advantages. Any individual language is perfectly capable of enabling communication. 16 .

Show Formality With A Pronoun

There are plenty of ways to show respect in English, but what English is missing is the formal “you”. But English has a single, widely accepted second-person pronoun. This is also why English doesn’t have a standard form for addressing more than one person.

17 . Back in the days of Old English, the word “thou” was the singular you and “ye” was the plural you. By the 13th century, these two had shifted, so “thou” was the informal you and “ye” was the formal one. But over the past several centuries, the pronouns shifted again: “ye” became “you” and replaced both of them.


How many vowels (元音) does English have? Well, if you look at the alphabet, it has only five: A, E, I, 0 and U. Six if you throw in Y. But if you actually listen to English, there are a lot more. English tries its best to reflect this in its writing system, but the fact of the matter is that people learning English through reading are going to struggle to figure out what vowels sound like. When you throw in different dialects and clusters (群组) like “trough, though, tough”, you can see how tricky a language this really is. 19 .

You could say, then, that there’s nothing on this list English “can’t” do. We probably won’t wake up tomorrow and suddenly have a completely different word order, but the Englishes spoken 10,50 and 100 years from now will all differ from the ones we speak today.20 .

A. Represent All Its Vowels In Writing

B. Express The Standard Form Of Respect

C. One of the strange things, though, is that English used to have both of these

D. However, there are two things English can’t do but other languages can

E. English needs to keep moving to stay alive and it’s exciting to think about where it could go

F. When you only know English, you’re getting a limited look at what language as a whole can do

G. This differs a lot from a language like Spanish, which for the most part has only one sound per letter

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



When the doctor performed a check in Anita’s seventh month of pregnancy, he saw that her un- born child had a cleft (唇裂). “He 21 me to get rid of him,” Anita said, tears pouring down her cheeks. “I told him I 22 this child. I love him and will 23 him forever.”

When Anita showed her new baby to her neighbors, they were 24 “Your son looks like a monster (怪兽)” they told me and to“get rid of him”. In many places around the world there is widespread and severe social shame associated with cleft conditions and families are often forced to 25 newborns from their family members and communities.

Hearing her son being laughed at was not the worst of it. “When I tried to 26 him, the milk came out of his nose. I was 27 that he could die. Aljay 28 and loved school, but the 29 he experienced at school was hard to bear. They 30 him, and called him a monster.”

When the family heard that Operation Smile was coming to Cagayan de Oro, they began 31 money to afford transport to get to the city. At the medical mission Anita 32 received the news she was waiting for: Aljay was healthy enough to receive surgery. After just over 45 minutes, his lip was 33 and his life was 34 . Today Aljay is a 35 boy who loves going to school and playing with other children happily.

21. A. ordered B. allowed C. forced D. told

22. A. admire B. miss C. want D. adopt

23. A. desert B. protect C. hate D. praise

24. A. confused B. disappointed C. scared D. curious

25. A. punish B. hide C. abandon D. kill

26. A. feed B. treat C. dress D. bathe

27. A. upset B. certain C. worried D. relieved

28. A. disappeared B. escaped C. recovered D. survived

29. A. accident B. process C. suffering D. pleasure

30. A. laughed at B. played with C. ran after D. cared for

31. A. donating B. saving C. spending D. wasting

32. A. officially B. gradually C. actually D. finally

33. A. repaired B. cut C. pursed D. bitten

34. A. built B. transformed C. enjoyed D. ruined

35. A. silent B. naughty C. powerful D. cheerful



“Hong Kong’s 36 (big) achievement in the past 25 years lies in keeping 37 (maintain) its separate legal, judicial (司法的),economic, financial 38 (system) and lifestyle,” said Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, the member of the Executive Council and Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in an exclusive interview with China Daily.

Ip said, “ 39 Hong Kong was in trouble, our motherland has always come to our rescue. I think we have to continue telling the truth, telling the real story about Hong Kong and our mother-land.”

Speaking 40 Hong Kong’s future development, Ip said after Hong Kong’s industries migrated to north of the boundary, job opportunities for young people have narrowed 41 (considerable ). But thanks to the nation’s five-year plans, Ip said Hong Kong looks forward to 42 ( rebuild) as .an international research and development, technology and manufacturing center in the next few years.

Ip said she thinks the new chief executive is in 43 good position to restructure the economy, lead the government to rebuild harmony and take the city forward. “I’ m sure he 44 (focus) on speeding up resolving our land and housing 45 (short ) through the Northern Metropolis development,” Ip said.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


你校英语报开辟了一个专栏: After-school Activities。请你以“Best Spend Our Leisure Time”为题,用英文写篇短文投稿,内容包括:






Best Spend Our Leisure Time



It was a bright spring afternoon along the coast, and Jonathan Bauer, 51 and his 13-year-olddaughter, Ava, were taking full advantage of it. They were driving with the windows down as they headed home on the 1.4-mile, two-lane Route 90 bridge, which crosses the shallow waters of the bay. Suddenly, the calm was disturbed by the loud noise of tires.

Not far ahead of them, a black pickup truck was skidding (打滑) from one lane to the other. To Bauer’s horror, it crashed into a concrete barrier, spun like a top, flipped over the SUV directly ahead of them, and came to rest hanging over the railing of the bridge. Bauer hit the brakes in time to avoid the vehicles in his path, but a BMW car that had hit into the guardrail on the right, came sliding backward towards him. He turned left, but too late — the BMW struck his car’s fender (保险杠) before crashing into the vehicle behind him.

Bauer stopped the car. “Ava, are you OK?” he asked. She was shaken, but otherwise unhurt.

He ran to the BMW. “Are you OK?” he asked the driver. She nodded, too shocked to speak.

And then a shout. It came from the pickup truck, which had come to rest on its right side. The back passenger compartment (车厢隔间) and truck bed were hung out past the guardrail, 30 or more feet above the waters of the bay. The driver’s door was open and a man climbed out. He dropped to the ground, then storming to the railing. Bauer ran up beside him. The man pointed down. In the water was a car seat. Next to it, a girl, about two years old, was terrified, floating on her back, and screaming.

From around the truck, its other passengers who had gotten clear of the compartment were looking down into the water.

Matters quickly went from bad to frightening when the girl rolled over onto her stomach. Bauer waited for the pickup truck driver to do something, but he didn’t. Maybe he was in shock.




“Ava!” Bauer yelled, trying to remove his shoes. “Stay by the car!”

When the little girl was less than 10 feet away, Bauer swam to her quickly.






1.D【解析】细节理解题。根据“Root Crops”部分中“ Ready when golf-ball-sized to tennis-ball-sized” 、“Ready as soon as they’ re big enough for your needs”以 及“Fruiting Vegetables” 部分中“Ready when ... they grow appropriate, which depends on what you need”、“ Ready when they reach about 4 inches (10 centimeters) long”、“ Ready as soon as they reach a desirable length”可知,果实的大小会影响Root Crops和Fruiting Vegetables种类农作物的收获时间。故选D。

2.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据“Soft Fruits” 部分中“Ready a week after turning black”、“ Ready two or three days after turning blue”以及“Potatoes”部分中“Ready 10 to 12 weeks after planting …”、“Ready 20 weeks after planting ...”可知, Soft Fruits和Potatoes类农作物对收获时间的要求很高。换而言之,对收获时间的不了解会造成这两类农作物的减产。故选A。

3.B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Our popular Vegetable Garden Planner can help you map out your garden design, space crops, know when to plant crops in your exact location, and much more”可知,本文旨在帮助有求于规划花园设计、种植空间和种植位置的人,即园艺爱好者。故选B。



4.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“You’re my strongest armor and softest spot. I didn’t allow you to see me off at the launch site because I was afraid that I would burst into tears” 以及第五段“Liu fully expressed her love for her children in the letter. It brought tears to my eyes”可知,使刘洋和网友流泪的主要原因是刘洋对她孩子的深深的爱。故选A。

5.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据第六段“I feel more confident and relaxed”可知,刘洋对这次任务是自信的;再根据第七段“I stopped and turned around to salute the experimental space station module that I stayed in. At that moment, I told myself that I would come back to space in the near future. I didn’t expect the ‘near future’ to be a decade long”可知,刘洋对这次任务是有万全准备的。故选D。

6.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Liu added that she felt sorry that she could not be there for her son on his first day at primary school”以及“Although I cannot be with you, I won’t love you any less”可知,刘洋对离开她的孩子的不舍之情和对她孩子的爱。因此,刘洋写这封信的目的是向她的孩子们告别。故选B。

7.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段可知,文章最有可能出自新闻报道。故选D。



8.A 【解析】词义猜测题。根据“ Studying the quakes of the past could help scientists better understand modem earthquakes”以及这两个句子中间含有“but”可知,前后两句表转折关系。因此“exiguous”意为“缺乏的、罕见的”。故选A。

9.C【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段“The researchers suspected that zircons in rocks from the fault could narrow that broad window”以及上句内容可知,研究人员猪想,断层处岩石中的锆石可能会缩小上句提到的温度范围。故选C。

10.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Armstrong plans to continue studying zircons, in the hope of finding more ways to take advantage of them for details about ancient quakes”可知, Emma Armstrong 计划继续研究锆石,希望能利用它们找到更多的方法来了解古代地震的细节。故选D。

11.B 【解析】主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了研究过去的地震可以帮助研究人员更好地理解现代地震,研究人员利用特殊的工具——锆石,了解数百万年前地壳断层达到的温度,从而对现代地震有新的了解。由此可知,“Ancient Zircons Help to Unearth Earthquakes”最符合题意。故选B。



12.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“jabs saved the lives of people between 19.1 million and 20.4 million. Without vaccines, the study estimates, roughly three times as many people would have died from Covid-I9 in 2021 alone” 可知,注射疫苗挽救了1910万到2040万人的生命,并且如果没有疫苗,仅在2021年,死于Covid-19的人数就大约是前者的三倍。因此,疫苗的重要意义在于它可以减少伤亡人数。故选B。

13.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段"They then combined this model with The Economist’sestimate of the pandemic’s true death toll to estimate how deadly the pandemic would have been without vaccines”可知,在伦敦帝国学院的研究人员将传播模型与《经济学人》对疫情真实死亡人数的估计相结合,以估计如果没有疫苗,疫情的死亡人数。因此,研究人员通过比较模型和研究的数据得出估计值。故选B。

14.A 【解析】推理判断题。第四段主要交代了这项.研究依赖于对导致死亡的估计感染份额的假设。有些小国可靠数据有限,不包括在分析之内。这意味着研究人员估计实际避免的死亡总人数将会更高。由此可推知,本段主要是关于这个实验的局限性。故选A。

15.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段“ the researchers did not attempt to model how people or governments might have changed their behavior to limit infections in the absence of vaccines” 以及“it is the most definitive answer yet to how many people owe their lives to the jabs”可知,作者对疫苗的现状是十分有信心的。故选D。



16.D 【解析】本空属于段尾句。本空前面谈到:任何语言都具有可以很好交流的功能。本空后面谈到:有两件事情英语做不到。因此,本空需要填一个承上启下的句子。故选D。

17.C 【解析】本空属于段首句。本空上一段谈到:英语中有很多表达尊重的方式,但缺少正式的“you”的表达,只有一个被广泛接受的第二人称代词。并且本空后面谈到:在古英语时代,“thou”是“you”的单数, “ye”是“you”的复数。到了13世纪,这两个人称已经改变了, “ thou”变成了非正式的“you” ,而“ye”变成了正式的“you”。但在过去的几个世纪里,这两个代词又改变了: “ye”变成了“you” ,取代了“thou”和 “ye”。由此可知,这里在谈英语在过去的时代,曾经拥有过表达尊重的正式的第二人称表达,但是在时代的变更中最后都被“you”取代了。故选C。

18.A 【解析】本空属于标题句。本空为小标题,为下面段落的题眼。本空所对应的段落谈到:在英语中,字母表上只有A,E,I,O和U五个元音。但是从英语发音中却可以发现很多元音。英语尽力在其写作系统中反映这一点,但事实上,人们通过阅读学习英语的时候,很难弄清楚元音的发音。由此可知,本空在谈:用书面形式表示英语中的元音。故选A。

19.G 【解析】本空属于段尾句。本空前面谈到:英语中的元音在书面表达和发音中的不同。则本空应该举例不同的语言和英语的比较。由此可知,本空在谈:这与西班牙语这样的语言有很大的不同,西班牙语在大多数情况下每个字母只有一种发音。故选G。

20.E 【解析】本空属于段尾句。本空所在段落为结尾总结段。本空前面谈到:这个列表上没有任何英语“不能做”的。我们不可能明天一觉醒来突然就发现英语有了一个完全不同的词序,但无论发生什么,10年、50年和100年后所说的英语都将与我们今天所说的不同。由此可知,本空在谈:英语需要继续前进才能保留下来,想想它的变化是令人激动的。故选E。




21.D 【解析】句意:当医生给怀孕七个月的安妮塔做检查时.他发现她未出生的孩子患有唇裂。“他告诉我放弃这个孩子,”安妮塔说眼泪顺着脸颊流了下来。故选D。

22.C 【解析】根据下文安妮塔坚持生下这个孩子可知答案。故选C。

23.B 【解析】句意:我爱他,并将永远保护他。故选B。

24.C 【解析】根据下文“Your son looks like a monster”可知,当邻居看到这个婴儿的时候.他们都吓坏了。故选C。

25.B 【解析】根据句意可知,家人经常被迫藏起他们的新生儿,不让他们的家庭成员和社区的人看见。故选B。

26.A 【解析】根据下文“the milk came out of his nose”可知,此空描述的是给孩子喂奶的情景。故选A。

27.C 【解析】句意:我担心他会死。由于孩子吃不了牛奶,时间长了会影响生长,做母亲的肯定会很担忧。故选C。

28.D 【解析】句意:阿尔杰活了下来,热爱上学,但他在学校经历的痛苦让人难以忍受。故选D。

29.C 【解析】根据下文“was hard to bear” 可知答案。故选C。

30.A 【解析】根据本段“laughed at” 以及“monster”可知答案。故选A。

31.B 【解析】句意:当这家人听说“微笑行动”即将来到卡加延?德奥罗时,他们开始攒钱,以支付前往该市的交通费用。故选B。

32.D 【解析】句意:在医疗过程中,安妮塔终于收到了她等待的消息:阿尔杰足够健康可以接受手术。故选D。

33.A 【解析】句意:仅仅过了45分钟,他的嘴唇就修好了。唇裂需要做手术进行修复。故选A。

34.B 【解析】他的生活也改变了。他的嘴唇修好以后,他就不会受到嘲笑了,所以他的生活会彻底改变。故选B。

35.D 【解析】句意:今天,阿尔杰是一个快乐的男孩,他喜欢上学和与其他孩子快乐地玩耍。根据“happily”可知答案。故选D。



36.bigget【解析】香港在过去25年里最大的成就是继续维持其独立的法律.司法、经济、金融制度和生活方式。根据句意以及“ in the past 25 years” 可知,空处表示“最大的”。故填bigget。

37. maintaining 【 解析】 “keep doing sth.”为固定搭配,意为“继续做某事”。故填maintaining。

38. systems 【解析】根据空前“separate legal, judicial, economic , financial” 多个定语可知,此处应填名词复数。故填systems。

39. Whenever/When 【解析】 空处考查时间状语的连词,根据句意,故填Whenever/ When。

40.of 【解析】“speak of” 是固定搭配,意为“说到;谈起;讲到”。故填of。

41.considerably【解析】空处作副词修饰谓语“have narrowed"。故填considerably。

42. being rebuilt 【解析】 “look forward to doing sth.”是固定搭配,意为“期待做某事,有望于做某事"。注意“Hong Kong”和“rebuild”之间的逻辑关系为被动。故填being rebuilt。

43.a 【解析】“in a good position” 是固定搭配,意为“处于有利地位”。故填a。

44. will focus 【 解析】根据前句“the new chief executive”可知,此处指新任官员未来的执政措施.所以句子的时态为一般将来时。故填will focus。

45. shortage 【解析】我相信他会专注于通过北方大都市的发展来加快解决我们的土地和住房短缺问题。根据句意,空处表示“短缺”。故填shortage。



One possible version:

Best Spend Our Leisure Time

Most students think little of leisure time. In fact, only by taking full advantage of leisure time can we feel more relaxed, happier and more energetic when returning to study.

Here are some suggestions. If you are an active person, you can go on a picnic, or do sports, which can re-fresh you and make you happier when you face the fresh air and the fascinating scenery. For those who are not so active, you can listen to light music or read novels. In this way, we can do much better with a light heart.


One possible version:

“Ava!” Bauer yelled, trying to remove his shoes. “Stay by the car!” Observing the bay, Bauer thought it was dangerous to jump from this height into such shallow water. Worried about the safety of the girl with eager eyes, he ultimately had the idea of climbing from the railing into the water. A moment later, he landed below the bridge. Scarcely had Bauer bounced off the sandy bottom safely when he could do nothing but rush to the girl.

When the little girl was less than 10 feet away, Bauer swam to her quickly. Soon Bauer reached the girl, and without hesitation he lifted her out of the water. After accessing her condition and feeling her heart rate slowly return to normal, Bauer judged the baby was unhurt and he breathed a sigh of relief. Now, the baby started coughing up a lot of water. He patted her on the back for about five minutes until a boat pulled up and saved Bauer and the little girl aboard. Inspired by that action, Ava intended to give a hand whenever and wherever.