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1阅读理解 中

Amazing lost places around the world Kolmanskop

Once the richest town in Africa,today Kolmanskop is sinking into the Namibian desert.The discovery of diamonds here around 100 years ago caused this remote place to experience a boom (繁荣),and in no time at all,an entire town revealed itself out of the sand.Not only was there a hospital,a power plant and a theatre,but also an ice factory and a swimming pool——all in the middle of the desert!

The Aniva lighthouse

Built by the Japanese on a small island between Japan and Russia,the Aniva lighthouse and its island went to the Russians after the Second World War.Though dynamic(充满活力的)once,the seven-storey building has lain abandoned for years.Where once noisy diesel(柴油)generators kept the machinery running,today there's only the sound of waves hitting the rocks.


Houtouwan on Shengshan Island was once home to around 2,00 fishermen and their families.Today most of the people you meet in this Chinese village are tourists.The majority of the inhabitants(居民)left for the mainland in the early 190s.Reasons for the near total abandonment include shortage of food delivery.

The Igloo Hotel

This resort has never seen a paying guest!The Igloo Hotel in Alaska,US was primarily meant to attract visitors from the nearby Dentli National Park.However,the builder didn't observe official building regulations and also chose a location that was too remote,so the hotel was never completed.The half-finished building.however,continues to suffer wind and weather a half century later.

(1) What caused people's interest in Kolmanskop?______

A. The hospital. B. Diamonds.

C. The theatre. D. The swimming pool.

(2) Which of the following was abandoned because of lack of food?______

A. Houtouwan. B. The Aniva lighthouse.

C. Kolmanskop. D. The Igloo Hotel in Alaska.

(3) What's the biggest difference between The Igloo Hotel and the other three places?______

A. It was remote. B. It was undone.

C. It doesn't exist now. D. It has no visitors.

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2阅读理解 中

It was just a normal day for Ruth Miller,a 63-year-old woman until everything went horribly wrong.She was walking to her car after shopping when happened.

Right as she was unlocking her car,a man quickly came up behind her and tried to wrestle her purse away.She was in shock.Luckily she remembered she had her Safe Personal Alarm(SPA)on her purse,and since she was too scared to scream for help,she quickly reached for the alarm and pulled the pin(保险栓).Immediately her SPA started just screaming.The man didn't know what to do!He froze for a second,and then ran away like a bat out of hell!

SPA is a safety device capable of creating a 125 db sound that attracts attention and scares away potential attackers.To compare,it's the same volume as a military jet during takeoff.

Paul Davidson,the inventor of SPA,knows all too well the type of situation that Ruth found herself in.But that's not the only type of situation that SPA helps protect against.Parents can give it to their kids as an extra means of protection.Teenagers can use it so they can feel safe walking home.Women can know it's there when they have to use the parking lot at night. "My mother,who is 76 years old,carries it around in case she falls and needs to ask people for help.I only wish I'd have thought of it earlier," said Paul.

The police have been recommending SPA since it first hit the market.In fact,since its launch,SPA has been in a state,shifting from IN STOCK to SOLD OUT nearly every other week,and it's also got tons of loyal followers worldwide.

(1) What does the underlined part "the unthinkable" in Paragraph 1 refer to?______

A. An attempted robbery. B. A wrestling match.

C. An angry argument. D. A car accident.

(2) How did Ruth react to the unexpected situation?______

A. She fought violently. B. She froze in great fear.

C. She cried desperately for help. D. She sounded her safety device.

(3) Why does Paul mention his mother?______

A. To imply the elderly need more care.

B. To suggest he cares about his mother.

C. To show SPA can be widely used.

D. To make an advertisement for SPA.

(4) What can be learned from the text?______

A. SPA is well received in the market.

B. People hesitate to pay for security.

C. SPA was sold out in the first two weeks.

D. SPA is not important in life.

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3阅读理解 易

Humour has been an essential part of human behaviour for thousands of years.There is comedy in the texts of Ancient Greece,and medieval (中世纪的)writings are filled with jokes.While these same jokes might not be as funny to us now as they were then,their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.

Closer to modern times,Mark Twain,the American writer,is remembered for his witty(风趣的)words in his everyday interactions with people.For instance,while on a lecturing tour,Twain went into a barber's.The barber,not recognizing him,told him that if he wanted to go to the event he would have to stand,as there were no seats left in the theatre.Twain's response was, "That's just my luck.I always have to stand when that fellow lectures!"

Like Twain,Lin Yutang,was also noted for his unique brand of humour.Once,having been invited to dinner at a university,he was put on the spot when the president suddenly asked him to give a speech. ,Lin started to tell a story about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a man to wild animals,first a lion,then a tiger.Each time the man whispered something in the car,after which the animal shook its head and walked away unhappily. "What did you say to my animals?" said the emperor,astonished. "I told them they had to make a speech after eating me for dinner. "Lin's audience roared with laughter.With this little joke,Lin was able to make people laugh,while gently telling off the president.

Both Twain and Lin understood that humour isn't just about laughter,but a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world.

(1) What's the main idea of the first paragraph?______

A. The development of humor. B. The origin of humor.

C. The importance of humor. D. The definition of humor.

(2) In which way are Mark Twain and Lin Yutang alike?______

A. Both change the style of humor.

B. Both use humor to make life relaxing.

C. Both are eager to cause a roar of laughter.

D. Both combine humor with serious writings.

(3) What does the underlined phrase mean?______

A. Stepping onto the stage quickly. B. Thinking carefully about his feet.

C. Standing up as soon as possible. D. Having quick wits in an emergency.

(4) What can be inferred from the passage?______

A. The president was Lin's close friend.

B. The president was a cruel emperor.

C. Lin was willing to give a speech.

D. Lin was a bit angry with the president.

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4阅读理解 易

In the last 100 years,the global temperature has gone up by around 0.75'℃.This may not sound like much,but an increase of 2'C in global temperatures could result in extinction for 30% of the world's land species.

On account of the changing climate,the world's ecosystems are also changing faster.More than one-third of the world's mangroves (红树林)and around 20% of the world's coral reefs (珊瑚礁)have been destroyed in the last few decades.Due to the higher temperatures and higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,plants are producing more pollen (花粉),which could lead to more cases of asthma,a medical condition which makes it hard to breathe.

What is causing climate change?It seems that the main cause is the huge amount of greenhouse gases,such asCH4 andCO2,but the real reason for this is that the world's population increases and more land is needed to provide food and energy.Burning fossil fuels for heating,lighting,transport,electricity or manufacturing producesCO2.By cutting down trees,we are increasing the amount ofCO2 and reducing the amount of oxygen.As a result of humanactivities,CO2 levels are now at their highest in 800,000 years.

The biggest challenge we all face is to prevent further environmental disasters.We must do something before it is too late.We need to reduce the amount ofCO2 in the atmosphere.We need to stop burning fossil fuels and start using renewable energy.We can get enough energy from renewable fuels,such as solar energy or wind power to stop using fossil fuels completely.

(1) What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?______

A. To predict the effects of global warming.

B. To describe the changes in nature.

C. To urge the use of renewable energy.

D. To warn people of natural disasters.

(2) What's the result of the climate change?______

A. Ecology is badly affected. B. 30% of species will die out.

C. The amount of CO:is growing. D. More people die of asthma.

(3) What's the real cause of the changing climate?______

A. Cutting down trees. B. Increasing population

C. Burning fossil fuels. D. Greenhouse gases.

(4) What's the author's attitude towards further environmental disasters?______

A. What's done can not be undone.

B. Man will surely defeat nature.

C. Humans are nothing in face of nature.

D. Actions are needed to resolve problems.

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5阅读七选五 中

An important part of raising your children is teaching them good manners as it helps them be more successful in life. (1) Here are some "old-fashioned" but important manners for your modern kids.

Saying "thank you" to service workers

Saying "thank you" is the base of all good manners but these days many children overlook thanking the people that help them in many little ways each day,like wait staff,store clerks,and bus drivers.It's not just about politeness but about teaching children to recognize and acknowledge others' contributions as valuable. (2)

Taking turns talking

Teach your children to tap your arm and then wait patiently for you to acknowledge them before speaking.If they do interrupt,calmly tell them it's rude to interrupt and let them know you'll acknowledge them shortly. (3) Offer your children the same politeness and don't interrupt them when it's their tun to talk.

Using their indoor voices

(4) A parent should teach their children early on how to moderate their volume and tone based on the situation.You can make it into a fun game for little ones,like seeing who can whisper the quietest at a cinema.

Covering a cough or sneeze

These days it's more important than ever to teach children to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow.It's not just a matter of hygiene (卫生)-no one enjoys getting spayed. (5) Don't forget to teach them to say "excuse me" after.

A.Remember it goes both ways.

B.Consequently it makes others feel cared about.

C.Games are very important for children's good manners.

D.Crying,laughing,or just talking,children can be very loud.

E.Lacking basic manners will affect kids in all areas of their lives.

F.It is also a way to help others feel safe and comfortable around you.

G.Eventually it's about teaching them not to treat others as their servants.

(1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

(2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

(3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

(4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

(5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

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6完形填空 中

The moment I climbed on my bike after school,the only thing that occupied my mind was going back home and jumping on my comfortable bed.

But soon I found myself in (1) Encountering the first traffic light with a 90-second wait time made my heart (2) .The wind blew on my face,smelling cold and wet.Then I stopped at the next crossroads.Another red light (3) above me,with a terrible countdown (倒计时)from sixty.Vchicles which would turn right (4) the arrow and drove up beside me,which worsened my inner (5) .To add salt to my wound,the following light was still red.What a (6) event it was!I hardly ever (7) two red lights my whole way home,let alone these three in a row.But however (8) I prayed to get home sooner,it was (9) .The wind was getting stronger,and the clouds were getting (10) .Small raindrops began to fall.It was just when I glared at that red light that the rain began (11) down.On the other half of the ride,1 (12) my way through the curtain of rain.It didn't stop until I was at an overpass.I slowly moved forward,wet through,feeling tired and worn.And all of a sudden,with an upward look,I saw two rainbows hanging across the sky,showing their (13) and vitality (生机).The bright color (14) in my eyes,bringing a burst of (15) 1 was healed (治愈).

(1) A. danger B. ruins C. trouble D. peace

(2) A. hurt B. sink C. beat D. bleed

(3) A. hung B. lay C. crashed D. turned

(4) A. passed B. followed C. crossed D. chased

(5) A. embarrassment B. excitement

C. concern D. impatience

(6) A. rare B. common C. regular D. bare

(7) A. came out B. came across C. came up D. came into

(8) A. hardly B. regularly C. severely D. sincerely

(9) A. out of shape B. out of order C. in vain D. in doubt

(10) A. thinner B. higher C. clearer D. heavier

(11) A. flying B. flowing C. breaking D. pouring

(12) A. made B. headed C. left D. elbowed

(13) A. height B. force C. warmth D. effect

(14) A. lighted B. shone C. burned D. focused

(15) A. joy B. achievement C. anger D. luck

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7语法填空 易

Traditional Chinese painting and dance arc two vital parts of the art world.But what about when they meet each other?

A dance drama (1)______(title) Poetic Dance:The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting(《只此青绿》)was staged on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala this year and became (2)______ hit immediately.

The poetic dance program was inspired by the 900-year-old Chinese painting A panorama of Rivers and Mountains,Created by the Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng,the painting is famous (3)______ its sweeping size,rich coloration and the expressive details.

(4)______(show)the beauty of traditional Chinese painting,the dancers each had a different hairstyle, (5)______ looked like a mountain rock.The clothes they wore were in (6)______(shade) of green and blue,also a poetic interpretation of the mountains and rivers.When the dancers moved (7)______ (elegant),audiences seemed to be looking at the (8)______(move) mountains and rivers.

In fact,more and more people,especially the younger generations with more open mind,now are (9)______(pride) of traditional culture and show great love for it.That's (10)______so many modern shows highlight traditional Chinese culture and have received warm welcome in recent years.

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8书面表达 中

假设你是李华,你校英文报正在征稿,拟给中国太空站(Tiangong Space Station)字航员们写一封信。你准备向学校英文报投稿,要点如下:








Dear astronauts,

Wish you a successful mission and a comfortable journey!

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

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9书面表达 难


Shantiwanted the wooden doll in Ramm's toy shop and told her best friend Jodi about it. Jodi wondered if she could afford it.

Shantismiled,"I asked my mom if I could make jasmine garlands(花环) and sell them at my aunt's stand in the market." Jodi thought it was a good idea.

Earlythe next morning, the girls met at the jasmine bushes outside Shanti's house. Delicate(雅致的) white flowers surrounded them with fresh scent(气味). They picked blossoms(花) with their fingers and then sat under a mango tree, tying up the flowers into garlands. Shanti could already see herself hugging that beautiful doll.

"Ifwe sell enough garlands, we can each get a doll, "said Shanti.

Jodishook her head. Her family was low on money that week. She had to use her money to pay for Kiran's medicine. Kiran was Jodi's little brother. Then Jodi picked up her garlands. "My mother is expecting me. I'll meet you at the market. "

Shantispent the afternoon selling garlands alone. By early evening, Shanti had sold all her flowers.

Onthe way home, Shanti saw Jodi heading to the market with her garlands. She was late because she had to watch Kiran while her mother was away.

"Whydidn't you take him with you? "Shanti said.

Jodishook her head. "He's too sick to go out. He coughs and coughs.

Shantiknew Jodi wouldn't make enough money for the medicine now. The market would be closing soon.

Shantilooked at the purse tightly held in her hand. It was supposed to be for the beautiful doll she'd been dreaming of for long. Then she looked at her friend's tired face. "Here. Keep this for the medicine. "

Thatnight Shanti cried, thinking about the doll. What if someone bought it before she'd saved up enough again?




Thenext week, while Shanti and Jodi gathered blossoms, Kiran came, too.



Momcomforted Shanti with hugs, and then handed her a filled package wrapped(用……包裹) in paper.

