
高老师 分享 时间:

be about to意为“就要、即将干某事”,指最近的将来,表示动作马上就要发生。如:on't leave now. We are about to have lunch;be going to意为“即将、打算干某事”,表示对某事事先有准备、有计划或有打算,也可表示预计要发生或不可避免要发生的事。

be about to和be going to的区别

be+动词不定式即be+to do sth


When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家?

She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚。

The queen is to visit Japan in a week’s time.女王将于一周后访问日本。

注意:这种结构也可使用于过去时的句子。Was/were to do sth表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命中注定要发生的事),而非计划;was/were to have done sth表示未曾实现的计划。如:

I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.


2表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to 。如:

You are to report to the police.你应该报警。

3 表示“必须”,相当于must, have to。如

You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业。

4 表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want。 如:

If we are to be there before ten, we’ll have to go now.


5 用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见。如:

What are we to do next?我们下一步该怎么办?

6用于否定句,表示禁止,相当于mustn’t。 如:

You are not to smoke in the reading room.你不可以在阅览室吸烟。

7 表示“可以,可能”,相当于may,can。如:

The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到。

8 were to do sth用于 if或even if/though 从句中,表示对未来假设。如

If I were to tell you that I passed the exam, would you believe me?


9 be to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)和be to let(待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。如:

Which driver is to blame for the accident?这事故是哪个司机的责任?

10 be going to


It is going to rain soon.快要下雨了。

2)在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句一般不用be going to,而常用will(第一人称用shall)。如

The football match will be put off if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,足球赛将被推迟举行。

11 be about to


The new school year is about to begin. 新学期开学在即。

2)在含有be about to的句子中,不能再加时间状语。如:

错误 The medical team is about to start immediately.

正确 The medical team is about to start.医疗队就要出发了。

about 的用法是什么


①大约,左右.如:There are about 30 students on the playground.操场上大约有30个学生.

②将要,将近.如:I’m about ready.我快准备好了.

③到处,各处.如:The children are running about.孩子们到处乱跑.(表示动向)

People are sitting about on the grass.人们在草地的各处坐着.(强调位置)


①在……到处;在……各处.如:He is walking about the town.他在城镇到处走.

②关于;对于;有关.如:I am going to read a book about that big city.我要读一本关于那个大城市的书.


①be about to do sth.如:We are about to start.我们即将动身.

②what/how about...……怎么样?(用于询问信息或征求意见)如:How about going to Canada for our holidays?咱们去加拿大度假,好吗?