
高老师 分享 时间:

(指演员)退场, 下场;开火,爆炸;突然发出巨响,发出声音;(指电力)中断,(指电灯等)熄灭;入睡;变得不适於食用或饮用,变坏;质量变坏,恶化;以某种方式进行或发生。


go off with v. 拿去,抢走

off go n.离开,出发

go off into v. 开始,爆发出

go off v. 1.(指演员)退场, 下场;开火,爆炸;突然发出巨响,发出声音;(指电力)中断,(指电灯等)熄灭;入睡;变得不适於食用或饮用,变坏;质量变坏,恶化; 以某种方式进行或发生 2.go of

go off the rails 出轨,脱轨;越轨,出差错,神经失常

go off at half cock 枪走火; 操之过急(指计划、典礼等尚未安排就绪即行开始)

go off into a doze 打起瞌睡,打起盹

go off the stage 下台

go off at a tangent 突然岔开话题

go off the boil 不再沸腾;不再激动,高潮已过

go off双语例句

'Why have they gone off him now?' — 'It could be something he said.'


A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the vehicle.


Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.


As the water came in the windows, all the lights went off.


The meeting went off all right
