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  修辞的使用在书面表达中算作很大的亮点,在高中阶段很少有学生会注重修辞的应用。双重否定也是种修辞,而且对于考生来说,只要稍加注意,可以在文章中设计双重否定的句子。例如想表达“邮递员天天准时到”,如果写成The postman comes on time every day,就不如变成双重否定,The postman never fails to come on time,就变成了亮点句,起到强调作用。几乎每个人对生活的态度都不同程度受到地震的影响,写成双重否定There was hardly a man or a woman whose attitude towards life had not affected by the earthquake.应用类似的修辞会在高考中为考生加分。

  陈述不如倒装妙   在书面表达中阅卷老师喜欢看到的高级语法共有五种:倒装,强调,从句,独立主格和分词结构,以及虚拟语气。倒装是一种最简单易行的使句子呈现亮点的方法。在高中阶段只需掌握倒装的四种形式,足以应对书面表达,如何应用倒装,有很多方法和技巧。

  1.否定词开头:如果写出的句子中有否定词,例如I will never marry you. 不如变成倒装,用否定词开头Never will I marry you. 就算作使用了高级语法。其他的否定词,如not, seldom, hardly等开头后面的句子倒装都是比较好的句子。

  2.地点状语开头:在很多年的高考书面表达中都有表达地点的句子,一个建筑位于什么位置,或什么地方有什么东西,都可以应用倒装。例如在2006年的全国卷中,图书馆位于学校的中央,Our library is in the center of our school.变成倒装就用地点状语开头:In the center of our school lies our library. 其他的例子,想表达河岸上有很多花:On the bank stand some flowers. 天空中繁星点点:In the sky hang little stars. 总之在想表达地点时就把地点状语放在句首后面主谓倒装。这样做的好处之一是倒装本身就是高级结构,第二是倒装后把真正的主语放到了句子的末尾,后面还可以继续加从句,使整个句子再呈现更多的亮点。例如In the center of our school lies our library,which is between the garden and the teaching building. 3.Only+介词短语:例如在2007年全国卷中,让外教帮你找个笔友,有一句可以表达成只有通过这种方式我才能提高英语,这句话可以写成Only in this way can I improve my English.其他的例子还有Only by taking exercises can we keep healthy. 4. 形容词+as+主语+必动词:例如Young as I am, I can manage it; Rich as our country is, we have a lot of problems. 2000年书面表达中:Badly injured as he was, he managed to take down the car’s number. 还有其他的倒装结构,很高兴收到的你的来信:So glad am I to hear from you.在高考中要尽量使用一两个倒装。


  在近些年的阅卷中,发现考生在写作中很少使用被动语态,也许是受中文思维的影响,几乎整篇文章都使用主动语态。其实在英文中,被动语态的使用是很重要的。因为英语是一门客观的语言,而汉语是主观的语言,具体体现在英语中经常用被动语态,汉语经常用主动语态;英语中经常用物称或形式主语开头,强调一件事发生在什么人身上,而汉语经常用人称开头强调一个人发生了什么事。所以使用被动语态符合英语的习惯,如果能将整个文章中两个句子变成被动语态,就会呈现句型的变化,使整个文章句型丰富。例如在2006年的高考中,很多学生在表达我们每次可以借五本书最多借十天时,都是用:We can borrow five books at most, and we can keep them for ten days.这句话如果写成:At most five books can be borrowed at a time and they can be kept for ten days,分数会更高。


  在前文提到,在书面表达中老师喜欢看到的高级语法共有五种:倒装,强调,从句,独立主格和分词结构,以及虚拟语气。在所有的高级语法中,阅卷老师最喜欢看到的是独立主格和分词结构,其次是剩下的几项。但很多学生不知道如何在文章中使用这个最大的亮点。其实几乎所有的状语从句都可以变成独立主格或分词结构,时间状语从句,原因状语,条件状语等。例如条件状语从句:If such is the case, you should apologize to her. 如何变成独立主格或分词结构呢?学会下面的口诀,如果你的作文中有状语从句,马上可改成独立主格或分词结构这个最大的亮点。


  If such is the case, you should apologize to her.按照这个口诀来改,第一步,去掉连词if;第二步,看前后两句话的主语,前后主语不一致,所以要改成独立主格;第三步,改分词,is 变成分词是being,所以最后变成Such being the case, you should apologize to her.就变成了独立主格。如果前后两句话主语一致,就变成分词结构,例如2005年高考书面表达中的一句话Because I am a student, I’d like to know the price for students. 改成Being a student, I’d like to know the price for students.其他想表达状语从句的时候几乎都一样。所以想表达由于,因为,如果等都写成独立主格或分词结构会让阅卷老师多给几分。


  高考高分英文作文:When No Longer Young and Beautiful

  When people are in 17 or 18, they feel they are young and beautiful, this is also their biggest fortune. Some poets said that nothing can compare with being a maid. It is true that young is promising and full of energy. But even the most beautiful thing will be faded someday, when that moment comes, what will leave for a person. No one can resist the natural regulation and their faces will change and lost the charm. When a person is no longer young and beautiful, they can still be equipped with knowledge and experience. An old person is always respectable , for he gets widom as the time goes by, which can enlighten the young person. The appearance will fade aways, but the widom will gain and it is the most precious thing.



  高考优秀英语作文:My favorite season

  If you ask to me favorite season? I to say: my favorite season is fall. Because fall is cool and windy but isn't too hot and too cold. I like reader relaxed and happy feeling. The climate is cool and pleasant in autumn, not so hot in summer nor so cold in winter. Autumn is the harvest season, golden rice in the paddy fields are ripe. Under the rays of the Sun in a piece of gold, Maple fell on a piece of Red Maple leaves, dancing in the air like a beautiful butterfly. moreover fall will come, farmers can harvest theirs "fruits of lador" The most exciting still can eat many tasty fruits. Such as: oranges, mangos, bananas, apples, pears…… Autumn is a beautiful, happy! I like autumn。

  Listen to my introduce, do you know why I like fall?


