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once a week是频率副词吗

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once a week是频率副词吗


all the time 100%;

almost,always 90%;

generally,usually 80%;

often,frequently 60-70%;

as often as not 40-50%;

sometimes,at times 20-30%;

occasionally,from time to time 10%;

hardly,seldom,rarely 5%;

never 0%。


He was always late.他以前经常迟到。


My father usually walks home.我的父亲经常步行回家。

once a week造句

1、How many skateboard classes once a week?

2、Occurring, earing, or done once a week or every week.

3、Go once a week if you can.

4、Lung cells were replaced once a week.

5、She does the aerobics once a week.

6、What you should do: Run Yasso 800s once a week.

7、We used go to the movies about once a week.

8、Hence clean the ears once a week with cotton buds.

9、They also check for diseases or pests once a week.

10、Proofread the English Ad once a week by Email.