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成长类电影台词:Life takes on the meaning that you give it.

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  I'd give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back. --- Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)


  I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.

  I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good. --- Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)


  我可以选择向屈服这一切,找各种借口得过且过…… 但我也可以逼一把自己,逼自己为美好的生活奋斗。——《风雨哈佛路》(2003)

  I loved my mother, so much. She was a drug addict. She was an alcoholic. She was legally blind. She was a schizophrenic. But I never forgot, that she did love me. Even if, if she did. All the time. --- Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)


  Homeless person or business person, doctor or teacher, whatever your background may be, the same holds true for each of us: life takes on the meaning that you give it.--- Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)


  Dream, but don't sleep.--- Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)


  The world is changing while you're just a stardust. The earth turns arround with or without you. Reality doesn't change according to your will. --- Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)


  The amazing thing about water drops is that they always take the path of least resistance. For humans it's exactly the opposite. --- The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)


  How could humans create so many right angles when their behavior is so convoluted and illogical? --- The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)


  In a fake smile, it's not just the zygomatic muscles work, the muscles around the eyes also contract unconsciously. Tonight it was entirely ocular-zygomaticus. --- The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)


  Not sure what you are looking for, but don't change a thing. Steady in your boots. Good luck, man.

  I'm not sure what you are looking for either, but you will sure find your pine tree, man.--- The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)



  I had to admit it. I was not a careless drifter, just a tiny old boy, who ran away from home. --- The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)


  Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former. --- The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)


  If you never do anything, you never become anyone.--- An Education (2009)


  The life I want, there is no shortcut. --- An Education (2009)


  Becoming a woman. Becoming a legend. --- Becoming Jane(2008)


  Irony is with a smiling face insults.--- Becoming Jane(2008)


  Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. --- Becoming Jane(2008)


  But if our love destroys your family, it will destroy itself. --- Becoming Jane(2008)


  What value will there ever be in life, if we are not together? --- Becoming Jane(2008)


  You know how everyone's always saying seize the moment? I don't know, I'm kinda thinking it's the other way around. You know, like the moment seizes us. --- Boyhood (2014)


  When you're young, happiness is something to be had; as you age, happiness becomes a goal that you chase; now you've grown, happiness is a state of mind that you try to understand.--- Boyhood (2014)


  I pedaled as fast as I could... as if I were escaping from longing, from innocence, from her.

  Time has passed, and I have loved many women. And as they've held me close... and asked if I will remember them I've said, "Yes, I will remember you." But the only one I've never forgotten is the one who never asked... Malena. --- Malèna (2000)



  Here is her crime: her beauty.--- Malèna (2000)


  From now on, I'll be at your side. Forever, I promise. Just give me time to grow up. --- Malèna (2000)


  I need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever. --- Juno (2007)


  This is a simple story... but not an easy one to tell. --- La Vita è Bella (1997) (1997)


  [Pretending to translate] The game starts now. You have to score one thousand points. If you do that, you take home a tank with a big gun. Each day we will announce the scores from that loudspeaker. The one who has the fewest points will have to wear a sign that says "Jackass" on his back.

  There are three ways to lose points. One, turning into a big crybaby. Two, telling us you want to see your mommy. Three, saying you're hungry and want something to eat. --- La Vita è Bella (1997)



  This is my story. This is the sacrifice my father made. This was his gift to me. --- La Vita è Bella (1997)
