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  Unit1 Great scientists





  注意:1. 文章必须包含所提示的内容,可以适当添加,使行文连贯。

  2. 词数:130左右。

  参考词汇:激光照排 Laser Zhaopai;汉语出版物 Chinese publications;排版typeset

  Wang Xuan, born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was one of the most famous scientists in China. Wang Xuan is famous for his Laser Zhaopai for Chinese characters, invented in 1985, which has greatly improved publishing technology in China. It had been very hard to store and process Chinese information in computers before the invention of the Laser Zhaopai for Chinese characters.

  After overcoming many difficulties, the Laser Zhaopai was invented in 1985, and has been practically used since 1987. These days 99% of Chinese publications in China and 90% of overseas Chinese publications are typeset using the Laser Zhaopai system.

  He died in 2006, when he was 70 years old. Though he is dead, the treasure he created is still helping all Chinese people as well as many other people in the world.

  Unit2 The United Kingdom




  1. 台湾的地理位置。

  2. 台湾是我国最大的岛屿。其面积约三万六千平方公里,人口两千多万。

  3. 自然资源丰富,香蕉、稻米、茶叶等农产品驰名中外。

  4. 风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓来。

  5. 台湾自古以来就是我国的一部分。岛内绝大多数居民来自福建和广东。海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望。

  Taiwan lies west of the Pacific Ocean. North of it lies the East China Sea and southwest of it lies the South Sea. The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian.

  Taiwan is the largest island in China. It has an area of about 36 000 square kilometers and it has a population of over 20, 000, 000. It's rich in natural resources. Bananas, rice, tea and so on are famous at home and abroad. Clothes, food and so on are also well-known all over the world. Its scenery is so beautiful and its climate is so pleasant that travellers throughout the world come for a visit.

  Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong. All the people on both sides of the strait have a strong wish to unite our motherland.