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contain [kən'tein] vt. 包含;包括

access ['ækses] n.接近;通路

crash [kræʃ] vi.(计算机)崩溃

keyword ['ki:wə:d] n.密码;口令

log [lɒg] vt.记录;登录

software ['sɒftwєə] n. 软件

breakdown ['breikdaun] n.故障

source [sɒ:s] n.来源;出处

accessible [ək'sesəbl] adj.可进入的;可使用的

data ['deitə] n.(复)数据

defence [di'fens] n.保护;防卫

create [kri:'eit] vt. 创造;发明

network ['netwə:k] n. 网络

via [vaiə] prep.途径;经由

percentage [pə'sentidʒ] n.百分数;百分率

design [di'zain] vt. 设计

document ['dɒkjumənt] n. 文件

invention [in'venʃən] n. 发明

permission [pə'miʃən] n. 许可

military ['militəri] adj.军事的;军队的

concentrate ['kɒnsəntreit] vi.集中(注意力、思想等)

definite ['definit] adj. 明确的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj.极好的;美妙的

independent [ˌindi'pendənt] adj.独立的

essay ['esei] n.文章

pass [pæs] vt. 超过

frequently ['fri:kwəntli] adv.时常;经常

disadvantage [ˌdisəd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.弊端;缺点

average ['ævəridʒ] adj.平均的

statistics [stə'tistiks] n.(复)统计数字

shorten ['ʃɒ:tn] vt.缩短

sideways ['saidweiz] adv.横着地;斜着地


consist of 由……组成

as well 也

become known as 作为……而出名;被称为……

go down 下降

come up with 提出

from that moment on 从那时起

concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想

compared with 与……相比

on the Internet 在因特网上

computer hardware 电脑硬件

the biggest source of information最大的信息来源

be accessible through a computer通过电脑可接入的

millions of pages of data成万上亿页的数据

three thousand books三千本书

two hundred of us我们中的200人

develop a way to do ... 开发一种做……的方法

via the Internet通过因特网

at the moment 此时此刻

at university 在大学里

rise from A to B 从A上升到B

thousands of millionaires 成千上万的百万富翁

work as… 以……身份工作

the percentage of… ……的百分比

concentrate on… 集中精神在……

as much time as I can 尽可能多的时间

agree with/to/on 同意

work independently 独立工作

in one’s opinion 在某人看来

be expected to do... 被希望/盼望做……

take full advantage of充分利用

have access to… 有进入……的机会

wrap…up 打包……

don’t hesitate to do... 毫不犹豫做……

talking on a mobile phone 通过手机讲话

with the help of... 在……的帮助下

point out one’s mistakes 指出某人的错误

a series of一系列的


1.Everyone present was given a gift, including me/me included.


2. Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.


3. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.


4. These exercises are designed to build up our body, so we all like to do.


5. Whether this happened by design or not we shall never know.


6. We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.


7. Absorbed in the book, he didn’t notice me enter the room.


8. A medical team consists of/is made up of/ is composed of 15 doctors and 13 nurses.


9. Actions should consist with one’s words.


10. His children as well as his wife were invited to the party.


11. How did it come about that you were late for half an hour in such a short trip?


12. When it comes to educating children, the Chinese parents think little of money.


13. Had she lived up to her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.


14. The bad weather made it impossible for us to go on.


15. We thought it wrong that the child should be left alone in the house.


16. He didn’t make it clear when and where the meeting would be held.







▶ Sightseeing took up the whole morning. 观光花了一上午时间。

▶ Smoking is not allowed during take-off. 飞机起飞时不允许吸烟。


● 名词+名词

▶ football 足球 self-respect 自尊

● 动词+副词

▶ breakout 越狱 take-off 起飞

● 副词+动词

▶ outbreak 崩溃 income 收入

● -ing+名词

▶ sleeping-pill 安眠药 dining-car 餐车

● 形容词+名词

▶ blackboard 黑板 double-dealer 两面派



▶ He can speak a lot of everyday English. 他会说很多日常英语。

▶ She is very outgoing. 她很外向。


● 数词+名词(+形容词)

▶ eight-year-old 八岁的 three-metre(-long)三米(长)的

● 形容词/副词+现在分词

▶ hard-working 勤劳的 easy-going 随和的

● 名词+现在分词

▶ mouth-watering 令人垂涎的 peace-loving 热爱和平的

● 形容词/副词+过去分词

▶ ready-made 现成的 well-known 著名的

● 名词+介词+名词

▶ face-to-face 面对面的 shoulder-to-shoulder 肩并肩的

● 名词+过去分词

▶ man-made 人造的 self-educated 自学的

● 数词/形容词+名词-ed形式

▶ four-legged 四条腿的 warm-hearted 热心肠的

● 形容词+名词

▶ high-class 高级的 large-scale 大规模的

● 名词+形容词

▶ snow-white 雪白的 colour-blind 色盲的



● 名词+动词

▶ sleepwalk 梦游 sightsee 观光


▶ overthrow推翻 undergo经历

● 形容词+动词

▶ whitewash 粉刷 safeguard 捍卫

● 副词/介词+名词

▶ underline 在……下画线 overpower 制胜,压倒





▶ I have a bike. It's made in Shanghai. 我有一辆自行车,它产于上海。


▶ A bird has wings. 鸟有翅膀。

▶ A teacher shouldn't talk like that. 教师不应当那样讲话。

(3)用来表示不确定的某一个,相当于a certain, some。

▶ A Mr Wang came to see you this morning. 今天早上一位王先生来找过你。


▶ The car can run 200 kilometres an hour. 这种车每小时能行驶200公里。


▶ There is a park on the corner of the street. 在这条街的拐角处有个公园。


▶ They were caught in a heavy rain. 他们遇上了一场大雨。

▶ I'd like to have an ice cream. 我想来一份冰激凌。

(7)knowledge, collection, understanding等名词后加of...时,其前或其修饰语前常用不定冠词a/an。

▶ Her new book is a collection of short stories. 她的新书是一部短篇小说集。

▶ He has a good knowledge of French. 他精通法语。


▶ have a look/walk/break/try 看一看/散步/休息/试一试


▶ as a result 因此 as a rule 通常

▶ as a whole 总体上 as a matter of fact 事实上

▶ at a loss 不知所措 in a hurry 匆忙

▶ in a word 总之 in a sense 在某种意义上


(1)不定冠词可以用于某些具体化的抽象名词前,可以具体化的抽象名词有shame, surprise, pleasure, honour, success, help, beauty, failure等。

▶ It's a pleasure for me to work with you. 和你一起工作我非常高兴。

▶ She was a famous beauty in her youth. 她年轻时是个有名的美人。


▶ the world, a peaceful world; the moon, a bright moon


▶ Can you give me a second chance, please? 你能再给我一次机会吗?


▶ I had a wonderful supper yesterday. 昨晚我吃了一顿美味佳肴。

(5) "a most+形容词"表示"很……",most在此不表示最高级含义,而是"很,非常"的意思,相当于very; "the+most+多音节形容词"为多音节形容词的最高级形式,表示


▶ This is a most interesting film. 这是一部非常有趣的电影。

(6)用在"be+of+a(n)+n."结构中,表示"相同的",相当于the same。

▶ They are nearly of an age. 他们几乎同岁。


▶ His father is a teacher and poet. 他父亲是位教师兼诗人。


▶ She is now a different China from what she was twenty years ago. 现在的中国是一个与二十年前不同的国家了。




▶ He bought a house. I've been to the house. 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。


▶ The rose is my favourite flower. 玫瑰花是我最喜爱的花。


▶ The young man is the student who I taught 10 years ago. 这个年轻人是我十年前教过的学生。


The earth goes around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。


▶ Is this the first time you have visited Beijing? 这是你第一次游览北京吗?

▶ He runs the fastest in his class. 他是他们班跑得最快的。


▶ The Greens are on holiday now. 格林一家(夫妇)现在正在度假。


▶ in the east/south/west/north在东/南/西/北方

▶ on the right/left在右/左边


▶ the Pacific (Ocean)太平洋 the Persian Gulf 波斯湾

▶ the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉


▶ make the most/best of 充分利用

▶ in the end 最后

▶ by the way 顺便说一下

▶in the distance 在远处



▶ in the 1990's 在20世纪90年代;the Qing Dynasty 清朝

(2)在 "动词(take/catch/pat/hit/...)+sb.+介词(by/in/on)+the+名词(身体某一部位)"结构中,名词前要用定冠词the,而不用物主代词。

▶ He took her by the hand. 他拉住了她的手。

(3)用在表示度量单位的名词,如by the hour/day/week/month/year/dozen/yard/ton/kilo,但是size/weight/time这类名词跟by连用时不加冠词。

▶ I hired the car by the hour. 我按小时租了这辆车。

(4)用于句型 "the+比较级...,the+比较级... ",该句型表示"越……越……"。

▶ The more we get together, the happier we'll be. 我们相处的时间越多,就越幸福。


▶ The rich should help the poor. 富人应当救助穷人。

▶ The learned are very modest. 有学问的人很谦逊。




▶ Man needs air and water. 人类需要空气和水。


▶ Lei Feng 雷锋 Beijing 北京 the United States 美国


▶ On weekends, shopping malls are always crowded with people. 周末,商场里总是挤满了人。


▶ Chang'an Street 长安街 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 Beihai Park 北海公园 Tsinghua University 清华大学


▶ I am very interested in English. 我对英语很感兴趣。


▶ have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

▶ have a wonderful supper 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐


▶ We like to go swimming in summer. 我们夏季喜欢去游泳。


▶ My pen is much more expensive than yours. 我的钢笔比你的昂贵多了。


▶ Mandela, president of South Africa, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. 南非总统曼德拉于1997年被授予诺贝尔和平奖。


(1)turn (变成) 后的单数名词作表语其前不用冠词。

▶ His brother has turned writer. 他弟弟已成为一名作家。

(2)在"表示类型的名词+of... "这一结构中of后的可数名词单数前不用冠词。

▶ These kinds of questions often appear in the exam. 此类问题在考试中经常出现。


▶ Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings. 尽管他是个英雄,他也有一些缺点。

(4)与by 连用的表示交通工具和通讯工具的名词之前不用冠词。

▶ It's quicker by air than by sea. 乘飞机比乘船快。


▶ at school 在上学

at the school 在学校里

▶ at table 在吃饭

at the table 在桌子旁

▶ in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在医院里

▶ in prison 在坐牢

in the prison 在监狱里

▶ by sea 乘船

by the sea 在海滨

▶ in front of 在……的前面

in the front of 在……(内部)的前面

▶ on earth 究竟

on the earth 在地球上

▶ out of question 毫无疑问

out of the question 不可能