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  1.(介绍时间、地点、主题和举办方)?An International High School Student Photography Show, organized by our school photography club, is to be held from June 15th and last for three weeks with the theme of environmental protection.由我们学校摄影俱乐部组织的主题为环境保护的国际中学摄影展,将在六月十五日举行并持续三周时间。必背句式:sth. organized by _______, is to be held _____ _______with the theme of_________.

  2.(举行活动的目的)?Aiming to express our love and care for the elderly, we students intend to go on a visit to the nearby nursing home for the Double Ninth Festival next Saturday.为了表达我们对老人的爱和关心,我们学生想要在下周六重阳节去敬老院。必背句式:Aiming to _______, we intend to do______________. 为了…我们打算做某事。

  3.(节目介绍、出席人员介绍)There will be many activities, such as making dumplings and cakes, giving performances, playing games, and so on.?将会有很多活动,例如:包饺子、表演节目、玩游戏等。必背句式:There will be many activities, such as________.

  There will be many people attending the activity, such as_____.

  4.(活动报名)Those who would like to participate can sign up in the community office before 5:00 pm. next Thursday. 想参加的人可以在下周四五点前在办公室报名。必背句式:Those who would like to participate can sign up.


  5.Qianmen Street is a famous street with a history of over 600 years. 前门街是一条有着600多年历史的著名街道。必背句式:某地 +is ______ with a history of over _________years. / 某地 has a history of ______ years.某地有着多少年的历史。

  6.The street is in the centre of Beijing.这条街道位于北京的中心。必背句式:某地+is+地点状语./某地 +lies/ is located +地点状语。


  7.I made them myself with silk. 我自己用丝绸做的。必背句式:I made them myself with ____.

  8.They look really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide.他们看起来真的很漂亮,钻石形状,大约5寸长,4寸宽。必背句式:They look really beautiful in the shape of________, about _____inches long and_____ inches wide.

  9.The knots stand for friendship, love and good luck.中国结象征友谊、爱情和幸运。必背句式:_____ stand for_____.


  10.The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eight month of our Chines lunar calendar.中秋节适逢我们中国农历8月15日。必背句式:____falls on the ___ of the____ month of our Chines lunar calendar.

  11.As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country.作为中国传统节日之一,它在我们的国家一直广受欢迎。

  12.It is an ancient tradition to celebrate the coming of the Dragon Boat Festival by dragon boat racing and eating the Chinese traditional rice dumpling.通过赛龙舟和吃粽子的方式庆祝端午节的到来是一种古老的传统。必背句式:It is an ancient tradition to celebrate the coming of_______by _________.

  13.It is a day full of pleasure and laughter.那是一个充满欢声笑语的日子。

  14.On the Dragon Boat Festival, people have a big dinner with their family, talking and laughing.在端午节, 人们会和家人吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,说说笑笑。


  15.?I, aged 18 years old, am to graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. 我18岁,将于今年七月毕业于新星外国语学校。必背句式:sb, aged____years old, is to do _________.

  16.As an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students, I have a good command of English, especially spoken English. 作为班里50个学生中前五名的优秀学生,我熟练掌握英语,特别是英语口语。必背句式:Among the top 5 in my class of 50 students, I have a good command of______.

  17.Being a good team player, I'm easy to get along with. 我是一个很好的队员,而且很容易相处。必背句式:Being_______, sb is_______.

  18.Not only am I good at Chinese, but also I have a good command of English, which enable me to be qualified for the position. 我不仅擅长中文,而且熟练掌握英语,这使我可以胜任这个职位。必背句式:Not only am I good at ______, but also I have a good command of _______, which enable me to be qualified for the position.

  19.I have a pleasant personality so that I can get along well with others easily. 我有很好的品质,以致于我可以和其他人很容易相处好。

  20.She is someone who not only is interested in traveling and swimming, but also has a pet dog as I do. 她不仅喜欢旅游和游泳,而且和我一样养了一只狗。必背句式:sb is someone who not only________, but also ________________.


  21.Would you please tell me when the course will start and how many students a class consists of?你可以告诉我这个课程什么开始和有多少学生吗?必背句式:Would you please tell me_____________?

  22.I wonder whether accommodation is included.我想知道住宿是否包含在里面。必背句式:I wonder whether______________.

  23.Would you be kind enough to inform me when we will return?你可以告诉我回来的时间吗?必背句式:Would you be kind enough to inform me_______.


  24.It carries articles written?by foreign friends?about?the cultures of their home countries. 它刊登外国人写的关于他们国家文化的文章。必背句式:It carries articles written?________about?________.

  25.And?I wonder whether it is convenient for you to write something on?the culture in your country.?而且我想知道你是否方便写一些关于你们国家的文化的文章。必背句式:?I wonder whether it is convenient for you to write something on___________.

  26.We would especially welcome articles concerning how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, as well as the life of American high school students.?我们特别欢迎关于美国人如何度过他们的假期和节日以及美国高中学生生活的文章。必背句式:We would especially welcome articles concerning_______.

  27.You can write anything relevant so long as it’s interesting and informative.?你可以写任何相关的文章只要它是有趣的和有教育意义的。

  28.400 words would be fine.? 限定词数:400词 /The length of the article should be limited to 400 words.

  29.Could we have your article before June 28? 截稿日期。


  30.The applicant should be a native English speaker. 申请人应该是母语是英语的人。必背句式:The applicant should be__________.

  31. Furthermore, the candidate who also has a good command of Chinese is preferred. 而且熟练汉语的人优先。必背句式:Furthermore, the candidate who______is preferred.

  32.Besides, the advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week. 另外,顾问需要每周工作四个小时。必背句式:sb is expected to do________.


  33.I have some difficulty in taking notes in classes. 我在课堂作笔记这方面有困难。必背句式:I have some difficulty in doing sth.

  34.I have no idea of how to make good use of the library. 我不知道怎样充分利用图书馆。必背句式:I have no idea of sth.

  35.I am encountering three problems which trouble me a lot. To begin with, … What’s more, what troubles me most is…Last but not least… 我遇到三个困扰我的问题,......


  36.I feel it significant to take a Chinese course, which not only gives you a good chance to learn from the teachers but also practice what you learn with your fellow students. 我觉得学习汉语课程很有意义,它不仅给你一个向老师学习的机会,而且你还可以和你的同学练习你所学到的东西。必背句式:I feel it significant to do sth, which not only_______________ but also ______________.

  37.It would be a good idea to watch some TV programs as well as read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese or try to learn and sing some Chinese songs. 看电视、书、报纸和中文杂志或者尝试学唱中文歌都是好的建议。必背句式:It would be a good idea to do sth.

  38.Last but not least, I suggest that you make more Chinese friends, who will also help you improve your Chinese.?我建议你可以交更多中国的朋友,他们可以帮助你提高你的中文。必背句式:I suggest that you (should) do_________.

  39. As for how to get ready to study Chinese and Chinese culture, you’d better make adequate preparations in advance. 关于如何准备学习中文和中国文化,你最好提前做好充足准备。必背句式:As for sth, you’d better do sth.

  40. It’s vital that you choose a copybook that suits you best.选择一本最适合你的书是很重要的。必背句式: It’s vital that______.


  41.Thanks to your help, my English has been improved greatly.由于你的帮助,我的英语有了很大的进步。必背句式:Thanks to sth, _________.

  42.Without your assistance and encouragement,?I wouldn’t have the chance to go to college and realized my dream.? 没有你的帮助和鼓励,我不会有机会上大学实现我的梦想。必背句式:Without your assistance and encouragement,?I wouldn’t have the chance to do sth.

  43.But for your help, I wouldn’t have made such a great achievement.要不是你的帮助,我不会取得如此大的成就。

  44.If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldn’t have (won the prize). 如果不是你的帮助,我不会赢得比赛。必背句式:If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldn’t have done sth.


  45.Here are the reasons as follow. 以下是原因。

  46.The reason why I was late for school is that I went to bed late last night.我上学迟到的原因是我昨晚很迟睡。必背句式:The reason why_______ is that _____.


  47.Much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. 令我失望的是,书的包装那么差以致于一本书的封面破了。必背句式:Much to my disappointment,_____.

  48.To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.?更糟糕的是,它不是完整的一套,因为我发现一本书丢了。必背句式:To make matters worse,______.

  49.?It’s my sincere hope that you can investigate the matter seriously and have the matter settled properly. 我真心希望你可以严肃调查此事,并且解决它。


  50.If interested, you can send your photos to intlphotoshow@gmschool.com.?如果感兴趣的话,你可以发你的照片到intlphotoshow@gmschool.com。必背句式:If interested, you can ___________.

  51.(常用于申请信)I would appreciate it if you could take some time to go through my application letter. 如果你可以花时间浏览一下我的申请信,我将会非常感激。必背句式:I would appreciate it if you could take some time to_____________

  52.(常用于招聘启事开头)The Student Union of our school?decides to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term.? 我们学校的学生会决定下学期邀请一名留学生做英语学习顾问。必背句式:We decides to invite_sb to work as _______.

  53.?If you are interested, please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview. 如果你感兴趣的话,请打李华的电话13011223344参加面试。

  54.Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview.? 工资面议。

  55.I am really dying to seize the opportunity to learn more about other countries.我真的非常渴望抓住这次可以了解更多其他国家的机会。必背句式:I am really dying to seize the opportunity to do__________.

  56.(常用于建议信)I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. 我会非常感激你提出的任何建议。

  57.I wonder whether it is convenient for you to make an appointment with me. 我想知道你是否方面和我安排一次会面。

  58.You can get in touch with me by sending an email to lihua@1236.com or calling me at 12345678.? 你可以通过发邮件或者打电话和我取得联系。必背句式:You can get in touch with me by doing sth.

  59.?(用于道歉信)I’m extremely sorry for that and?I wonder whether it is convenient for you to make it another time and go on Saturday morning.我为此非常抱歉,而且我想知道你是否方便另约时间在星期六早上。必背句式:?I’m extremely sorry for that and?I wonder whether it is convenient for you to do ______.

  60.If you are not available, please inform me of it so that we can set some other time for that?? 如果你不接受的话,请通知我让我们另外安排时间。

  61.(常用于感谢信中的回忆)?I still remember the days when you taught me English.我仍然记得你教我英语的日子。

  62.Everyone is warmly welcome to take part in it.热烈欢迎大家来参加。

  63.Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.?任何感兴趣的学生都欢迎来参加。