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is not的缩写形式

高老师 分享 时间:

含有 am is are的时候,使用缩写形式

如:I'm=I am;she's=she is;he's=he is;it's=it is;we're =we are;you're =you are;they're=they are;there're=there are;that's=that is;Sam's=Sam is


如:Weve got=we have got;You've got=you have got;they've got=they have got;she's got=she has got;he's got=he has got;it's got=it has got


如:isn't=is not;aren't=are not;can't=can not;that's=that not;let's=let is;my name's=my name is

含有 would/ should/had l的时候,常用缩写形式

如:I'd=I would/should/had;You'd=You would/should/had;We'd=We would/should/had


如:wasn't=was not;weren't were not