高三网 > 高考 > 高考备考 > ing和ed结尾的形容词如何区别


高老师 分享 时间:


Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy

大家好,欢迎来到跟着 Lucy 学英语。

Before we get started, I'm sorry but my neighbour has decided to have some sort of Monday afternoon party in their flat and if you hear any music, it's not me it's them


Little bit awkward, but I'm too British to say anything so I'm just going to battle on.


Today I've got a very short but very useful little video for you.


It's all about adjectives that end in -ing and adjectives that end in -ed and why they're different and when we use each one.

它是关于以 - ing 和 -ed 结尾的形容词的,为什么它们会有区别以及分别该在什么情况下使用它们。

I hear so many people using these adjectives incorrectly.


So. . . . I'm here to help you!


Now, I like to believe that my lessons here on my Youtube channel will help you with your English really rather a lot.

我相信我 youtube 频道上的课程能给你们的英语学习带来很大帮助。

However if you want to take your English speaking to the next level, you're going to need to start talking with natives.


Now I know that getting a private tutor or finding native people in your area isn't possible for everyone.


So I'm working with a fantastic company called italki.

所以我正在与一个很棒的公司合作,叫做 italki。

And they have over 4000 online teachers for all languages.

他们有超过 4000 名在线老师教授各种语言。

You can find fantastic qualified teachers as well as natives that are ready to have conversations with you.


And you'll end up paying much less that you would in a normal, private, face-to-face lesson


So if you log on to italki using the link that's in the description box, your account will be credited with 100 italki credits which is around $10, ummm. . . as soon as you make your first purchase

如果你用下面这个链接登录 italki 网站,你的账户会收到 100 个 italki 分值,相当于10美元的额度,对了,得在第一次充值之后才会获得。

So. . . check that out and let me know how your experience is


Now I'm going to give you 2 phrases.


The first one: I am boring and the second one: I am bored.

第一个:I am boring,第二个:I am bored.

What do they mean and why are they different?


Well! So adjectives that end in ed describe emotions.


They tell us how someone feels about something.


OK, so I feel tired. . . I'm going to go to bed.


Or I was bored in the maths lesson. . . I almost fell asleep


Adjectives ending in ing describe the thing that causes the emotion.

以 - ing 结尾的形容词通常用于描述某件事情导致了某种情绪。

So a boring maths lesson makes you feel bored.


The maths lesson is what causes you to feel bored.


So the maths lesson is boring


So you could say. . .
