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all or nothing的意思

高老师 分享 时间:

Economic decisions are only rarely of an all - or - nothing nature.


As an all - or - nothing person , I don't find this ealing.

我的个性是做事要么干脆不做, 要做就要善始善终,故而并不喜欢这种建议.

But I loathe this term and wantall or nothing.


The all - or - nothing roach to Copenhagen, however carries its own dangers.

然而,对待哥本哈根会议持以“宁为玉碎 、 不为瓦全”的态度,本身也有风险.

Perhaps that's stupid, but that's the way I am:all or nothing.

或许那是愚蠢的, 但这是我的为人之道: 要么拥有一切,要么一无所有.
