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lack of是动词还是名词

高老师 分享 时间:


一、lack用作名词 表示 “不足”。 通常用 “lack+of+名词”。

①A deficiency or an absence: 缺乏或没有;

②Something needed or wanted. 欠缺的事物:缺乏或寻求的某物

a lack of money. 缺乏金钱

Her only problem is lack of confidence.
Lack of sleep had made him irritable.
If he fails it won't be for/through lack of effort (= he has certainly tried).
We won't be going on holiday this year - lack of funds, I'm afraid.
He can’t endure the lack of food. 没有食物,他再也坚持不下去了。

二、lack用作及物动词表示 缺乏;不足;没有

①To be entirely without or have very little of.缺乏:根本就没有或仅有一点

②To be in need of.需要

He just lacks a little confidence.
What we lack in this house is space to store things.
She lacks patience in dealing with children. (与孩子打交道她缺少耐心。)

We are lacking three members of staff due to illness.

三、lack用作不及物动词 还可作“缺乏,短少;不足;需要。常用进行时

①To be wanting or deficient:缺乏:处于匮乏或不足状态:

You will not be lacking in support from me.你将得到我的帮助


②To be in need of something:需要:需要某物:

I lacked for nothing.我不需要任何东西

She does not lack for friends.

They lacked for nothing.他们无所需求(应有尽有)。

lack of和lack for的区别



1.lack of:缺乏;需要

2.lack for:缺少


1.lack of:基本意思是“缺少”“缺乏”,指某物完全没有或有而不足,所缺之物可好可坏。lack也可用于抽象事物,指缺少某种品质或某物缺少某种性质、特点。

2.lack for:表示状态的及物动词,不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。lack后接介词for,表示缺乏什么或在某方面缺少,常用于否定句,是正式用语,该短语多用于一般时态,隐含“并非完全没有”之意。


1.lack of:侧重于突出of之前的事。

2.lack for:侧重于突出for之后的事。